Below is a quick reference for most of teachings of Christ mentioned in the gospels. This helps to compare and effectively identify false doctrines that Christ did not teach.
Don’t be a blind guide with uncleanness inside your heart. | Mat 7:1-6, Luk 6:37-43, Matt 23:26 |
Only the wise who hears the teachings of Christ and does them will enter the kingdom of heaven. | Mat 7:24-27, Luk 6:47-49, Matt 7:21 |
Be careful to love God more when you are more holy. | Luk 7:41 |
Do not accumulate wealth for yourself but give it to the poor. | Luk 12:16-21, Matt 19:21 |
Bear fruit or you will be cut down | Luk 13:6-9 |
Listen to God’s word, understand it, bear fruit and then produce a hundredfold. | Mat 13:3-8, Mar 4:3-8, Luk 8:5-8 |
Out of God’s kingdom all things that offend and those who practice lawlessness will be gathered and cast out into the furnace of fire. | Mat 13:24-30 |
A single hidden sin can destroy your complete holiness to God. | Mat 13:33, Luk 13:21 |
Let others see the good works you do and glorify the Father in Heaven. | Mat 5:15, Mar 4:21, Luk 8:16, 11:33 |
The wicked will be cast into furnace of fire. | Mat 13:47-48 |
Kingdom of heaven can cost you everything you have. | Mat 13:44-46 |
God will not pour out more of His blessing for you until you are ready by bearing more fruits with new garment and new wineskins. | Mat 9:16-17, Mar 2:21-22, Luk 5:36-37 |
Settle matters quickly with your adversary | Mat 5:25, Luk 12:58 |
God will not forgive you if you do not forgive others | Mat 18:23-35 |
Love everyone who show compassion towards you, as yourself | Luk 10:30-37 |
Heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him | Luk 11:5-13 |
Know the voice of Christ and follow Him | John 10:1-16 |
Way that leads to life is difficult and narrow. Only a few will find it. | Mat 7:14, Luk 13:24 |
Do not exalt yourself but be humble | Luk 14:7-11 |
Without the wedding garment of holiness, you cannot attend the Son’s wedding. | Mat 22:2-14 |
You cannot be a disciple of Christ until you forsake all. | Luk 14:28-33 |
There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance. | Mat 18:12-13, Luk 15:4-32 |
You cannot serve God and money | Luk 16:1-13 |
If you receive good things in this life and had not taken care of those who had received evil in your gate, you will be tormented in hades. | Luk 16:19-31 |
Our duty is to obey and not expect profit from it. | Luk 17:7-10 |
God can do what He wish with His own things. He treats all His laborers equal and pay the same wages. | Mat 20:1-16 |
Do not be an unprofitable servant of God without using the talents given by Him for the benefit of His kingdom. If you don’t you will end up in outer darkness. | Mat 25:14-30, Luk 19:11-27 |
God will give justice to His own elect speedily | Luk 18:2-8 |
Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted | Luk 18:10-14 |
If you don’t bear fruit, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. | Mat 21:33-43, Mar 12:1-9, Luk 20:9-15 |
Keep watch and be ready at all times for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. | Mat 24:43, Mar 13:34-37, Luk 12:36-40 |
If God didn’t find His servants doing what He told them to do, He will cut them in two and appoint them their portion with the hypocrites. | Mat 24:45-51, Luk 12:42-46 |
Even the foolish virgins knew, without the good works glowing on their lamp, they cannot meet the Bridegroom. | Matt 5:16, Mat 25:1-12 |
Father Himself will take away the unfruitful branches that are attached to Christ. | John 15:1-6 |
Abide in Jesus Christ. Abide in His Word | John 15:4-7 |