Deception of Grace

There are abundant grace preachers in these last days leading many good Christians into a path of easy broad way which Christ warned as leading to death. Many of today’s Christians are misled by a modern preaching that turns grace into licentiousness. Gardener pleading with owner to get grace for the fruitless fig Source: What is…

Deception of Love your Enemies

God’s love is saving us from the flames of hell and from His wrath. If we are to show God’s love to others, we are to declare His judgments and the coming wrath of God. Matt 5:43-45 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I…

Deception of Abundance

Prosperity is being widely preached in Christianity today. While prosperity and abundance is a blessing to many Christians, it is not a promise given in the New Covenant. While most Christians ask for the blessings of abundance and treasures of this world, many does not know why abundance is given to them or what the…

Deception of Tithing

Tithing is now a financial income for many institutionalized churches. Blind Christians who have no idea of what tithing is, had been giving a tenth of their earnings all through their life thinking they give it to God. Here we will explore what tithing is, and if Christians had to follow it in the new covenant.…

Deception of Eternal Security

There are many churches today, are deceived with a false doctrine called ‘Eternal Security’. Many hold slightly a different view, surrounding this doctrine but, all who believe on Eternal Security agree that salvation is secure for eternity because they truly repented and saved to become a believer sometime in the past. There is also a liberal view of saying…

Deception of Perverted Gospel

Many Christians don’t have a clear idea of what is the gospel which must be preached to an sinner and unbeliever. I am seeing repeatedly the gospel message to unbelievers is being diluted with the message of God’s love and no where God’s wrath and the repentance is preached. Let’s look into what is the…

Deception of Faith

The blunder that many make is joining sides on the faith vs works requirement for salvation and not allowing Scriptures to speak. The faith only group will take verses like Gal 2:16 and Rom 3:28 and try to give a twisted meaning to Jas 2:24. The works requirement will take James and give a twisted…

Deception of God’s Love

Warning: This blog was written prior to discerning Paul’s letters. Please refer to Quick Reference for Paul’s Contrary Teachings. One of the greatest deception today is many does not know what is God’s love is. What is God’s love? Rom 5:8-9 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still…

Deception of Secret Pre-Trib Rapture

Secret Rapture seems to be one of the greatest deception in churches today. One of the famous verses often quoted is, I tell you, in that night there will be two [men] in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. Luke 17:34 I can’t understand how this is related…

Deception of Unconditional Love

One of the greatest deception of Christianity today is God’s unconditional love directed towards everyone including unbelievers. Below are the few verses quoted for this. Rom 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Rom 5:9 Much more then, having now been justified…