Blasphemy of Paul

Calling Christ as cursed or calling Him a sin is pure blasphemy. Double tongued Paul wrote to the Corinthians that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed yet to the Galatians he called Christ as cursed at the cross and even referred Him as a sin. Here we will look into Paul’s blasphemy on how he is misquoting Scriptures.

Double-tongued Paul

To the Jews Paul became as a Jew, that he might win Jews; to those who were under the law, Paul followed the law to win them. Did Paul also become a liar and a hypocrite to win them?

Christ’s Gospel vs Paul’s Gospel

The gospel preached by Paul is not the same gospel preached by Christ. You have two choices. The popular choice is a wide gate and broad way, where you are saved by God’s grace through faith and nothing is required of you but leads to death, which is the gospel of grace by Paul the Pharisee. The unpopular choice is a narrow gate and difficult path where you had to deny yourself to live holy and righteous that leads to life, which is the gospel of the kingdom of God preached by Jesus Christ. The choice is up to you. Repent, and believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, not Paul.

Understanding Pauline Differences to Christ’s Teachings

Paul is a vessel used mightily by God for His purpose. This does not make Paul equal with Christ or his letters equal with Christ’s teachings. Paul does not know many things what Christ taught during His ministry and relied on Peter and James. This is why, few teachings of Paul contradicts with what Jesus taught. Here we will analyze the top 25 contradictions commonly told between Paul’s letters and the teachings from Christ. Christ’s teachings always supersedes Paul’s letters.We are called to build our lives on Christ’s sayings which must be our foundation for us to be called wise, then build over it using Paul’s letter and not the other way around. Most importantly, never reject Christ’s teachings in favor of Paul’s letters.