A Practical Test for Evolution

Common design pattern are not evidence of common ancestry but common framework used by an expert Designer. In this blog, we will do a practical test to see if an organism is designed or evolved, using a gene.

Human-Chimp Evolution vs Designer in Action

NUMT, pronounced “new might,” is an acronym for “nuclear mitochondrial DNA” segment which describes a transposition of any type of cytoplasmic mitochondrial DNA into the nuclear genome of eukaryotic organisms. For example, a third of mitochondria in present in Chromosome 1 of humans. This post is to test the evolution vs designer in action, for the formation of new species.

Designer 101 for every evolutionist!

Only a designer can understand and detect the architecture of an another Designer. People who can’t detect design or understand the complex architecture do require some designing skills to actually understand them. If they can’t, it is better to atleast see the computer word and understand in order to relate and detect design concepts. Evolutionary biologists are not designers or developers which is understandable, but that does not mean they should reject on design concepts and ways to detect design. In 16 trillion bits in my computer, there is not a single 0 or 1 was by chance.

Accuracy of the ages of ancient DNA samples

It is generally accepted that radiometric dating is reasonably accurate and the accuracy can be improved by using different elements half-life on the same sample. It is also generally accepted that radiocarbon dating in particular can be calibrated using dendrochronology, which provides a more accurate age. However, both methods has one fundamental assumption that radio active decay rate is always a constant which is not true.