Four types of Christ’s Servants
When Jesus was explaining the times of His coming, He gave us examples for four types of His servants. In this post, we will explore evil servant, foolish servant, lazy servant and the good servant.
When Jesus was explaining the times of His coming, He gave us examples for four types of His servants. In this post, we will explore evil servant, foolish servant, lazy servant and the good servant.
We all know that Jesus Christ was tempted by Satan. We looked at it in a couple of previous posts, Why do we have temptations? and Don’t quote Scripture like Satan. In this post, we will explore the most important temptation of Jesus, repeatedly tempted by Satan, i.e, to make Jesus doubt Himself if He is truly the Son of God.
Many Christians have different views on why Christ had to die. For some, He died for their sins. But for others, He died to redeem them from their sins. Still, some believe He died as an atonement for the whole world and the resurrection of saints. Here, we will explore why Jesus doesn’t have to die for any of those but eternal life.
Today we have a form of Christainity which claims to believe in Jesus Christ but reject everything He said to do as ‘works’ and not required for salvation. This Pauline Christianity will not lead anyone to eternal life. In this post we will explore the importance of the words of Jesus using His own words.
Nearly all protestant denominations claim to preach the teachings of Jesus and ask their members to follow them. But, that’s only on the surface. But if anyone scratches the surface to know more, you will find some of the very important doctrines contrary to the teachings of Jesus and lead its members not into eternal life. In this post, we will compare what Assemblies of God believe on how a person is saved to that of the teachings of Jesus.
Nearly all protestant denominations claim to preach the teachings of Jesus and ask their members to follow them. But, that’s only on the surface. But if anyone scratches the surface to know more, you will find some of the very important doctrines contrary to the teachings of Jesus and lead its members not into eternal life. In this post, we will compare what Baptists believe on how a person is saved to that of the teachings of Jesus.
Nearly all protestant denominations claim to preach the teachings of Jesus and ask their members to follow them. But, that’s only on the surface. But if anyone scratches the surface to know more, you will find some of the very important doctrines contrary to the teachings of Jesus and lead its members not into eternal life. In this post, we will compare what Anglicans believe on how a person is saved to that of the teachings of Jesus.
A quick reference to guide you from not falling into the pit of misquoting words of Jesus Christ by modern preachers, churches and denominations to reject His teachings!
The words of Jesus had been misquoted throughout history to support doctrines and ideologies. In this post, we will explore how the words of Jesus had been misquoted to support even murder and evil. Many Christians are not murderers but want to misquote Jesus to justify their sinful deeds and remain in their sin. These people who do not turn away from their sinful ways will not enter life but death. Will you justify your sins by misquoting His words?
Today’s Christians are like the first century Jews who think that they have eternal life in the Bible, just like how they think that the Bible is the authoritative truth and the way. Jesus, who referred to Himself as life also refer His words as life. Satan is very clever who wants Christians to believe who Jesus really is, but reject all His teachings about attaining everlasting life by replacing it with the Bible. Jesus being life becomes a matter of opinion and interpretation of what it means among the other things mentioned as “life” in the Bible.