Quick Reference for Paul’s Contrary TeachingsA quick reference to guide you from not falling into the pit of false teachings by modern churches and denominations that use Paul's letter even to reject Christ's teachings!
What are gentiles required to follow?Gentiles must follow the new covenant what Jesus Christ taught (Deut 18:18-19), must not commit any abominations which God expects from all nations (Lev 18:27) and the laws given to Noah for all mankind (Gen 9:4-6).
Handling Deceptions in ChristianityLet us sharpen the Sword, which is the Word of God and attack the deceptions from the devil in Christendom. It is indeed sad to see many are using Christ's name on the outside to follow Paul on the inside.
Don’t quote Scripture like SatanJust like Satan quoted Scripture, Christians today use their Bibles as an excuse to keep sinning. They wilfully forget that a disciple is not above his Teacher, nor a servant above his Master, and willingly throw away God's words using man's words.
Quick Reference for Misquoted Words of Jesus ChristA quick reference to guide you from not falling into the pit of misquoting words of Jesus Christ by modern preachers, churches and denominations to reject His teachings!